7:45-8:30: Sign In/Waterford/Table toys8:30-8:50: Breakfast/Waterford
9:00-9:20: Large group - calendar math, weather, Imagine It Reading and Response, Pre-Teach, Character Development, Waterford
9:20-9:55: Small group workshops - II Sounds and Letters, DLM Math, Waterford, Writing
9:55-10:45: Outside Developmental Play
10:40-10:50: Wash up for lunch
10:55-11:20: Lunch
11:30-11:50: Language for Learning, DLM Literacy
11:50-12:40: Workshops, Waterford
12:40-1:00: Restroom and wash up, kid's choice storytelling
1:00-2:15: Transition to rest, Teacher planning
2:15-2:30: Snack
2:30-2:45: Reflect/Review/Pre-teach
2:45: Dismissal